

Intro: [Link]

Demo page for the biological age prediction project led by Prof. Chenkai Wu and his team at Duke Kunshan University. The page receives user's inputs of physiological data and returns with a predicted biological age. Open service to individuals and healthcare organizations to monitor elderly patients' health conditions.

The project is held under Global Health Research Center and funded by local government.

I took the responsibility of server deployment, frontend page design, and the backend system development to connect pre-trained PyCaret model with user's input. Backend system is written in Django, and vue.js is used to build the front-end webpage. Then the project with its all dependencies are packed into a docker image.

Technical Architecture

Vue.js as front-end, and Django as backend. Using uWSGI to improve the maximum concurrent capacity. And Docker is used to containerize the App for faster deployment.

Published: 2019-05-13